Sunday 20 January 2013

The universe keeps slapping my face.

Why does the universe think its hilarious to constantly remind me of Caleb?

Dan ended up not working this Saturday morning so I decided to head back to boot camp early. I made it through the class. At the end I was waiting my turn to speak to the instructor when the girl speaking to him mentioned an upcoming fundraiser in memory of her deceased daughter. - I bolted and was able to keep it together until I got in my car.

Today Dan and I went for breakfast at this really nice restaurant. The gentleman sitting beside us started up a conversation and the mention of grand children came up. He proceeded to tell us that one was 8, another was 2 and there was a bun in the oven due at the end of April - I was due with Caleb April 29th. Dan quickly changed the conversation but the damage was done. I kept it together and chugged my mimosa.

There have been a couple other incidents similar to these. I know its probably just coincidence but every time it happens it rips the stitches that are holding my heart together.

This really sucks.

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